I was in town today looking for a shirt and pants to wear to an upcoming wedding. It's hard to find slim fit clothing from even the best of places. I had an idea of where I wanted to look: World, Fabric, Zambesi, and Superette.
First stop is World, where I picked up a pair of black pants and a turtle neck. I had wanted the turtle neck for when I went to Europe as it would have been perfect for their warm summer nights, but couldn't part with the $219. But at $50 it was a steal. I would have bought more in the other colours if they had my size, but getting just one was good enough for me. It's tencel and silk so really light and soft and layers well.
I also found a pair of black pants which fit perfectly. They could be worn to a wedding but because it has spandex in it, I thought it may be a bit too comfortable for a wedding. I bought them anyway to wear around the house as home pants during winter. They have pink stitched detail on the back pockets, and incidently I have the matching jacket at home. Another $50 special, down from $329, I'd be stupid not to buy them.
On to the other stores and they had nothing that appealed to me. So the mission to find a shirt and pants failed, but I got a turtle neck and a pair of home pants and saved $448 in the process so the trip wasn't a complete waste of time.